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Your Experience

Ambulance with logo
Thanking our Staff

Our team love receiving messages of thanks and appreciate you taking the time to thank them for the job they do.


If you’d like to send a message to the crew who came to you, you can email with as much information as possible.


Alternatively if you’d like to send a card or letter, please address these our head office address which can be found here.


Please include as much information as possible, including the date and full address. This means we can identify the crew or team members that treated/assessed you and we can make sure they (and their managers) receive your message.

Complaints & Learning from Experiences

It is important to us that we provide a quality service and appreciate feedback so we're able to improve.


Where possible if you would like to make a complaint to the service, please email Your concerns will be recorded and a member of staff will be in contact with you. Alternatively you can contact us between 0830 – 1700, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays) on +441626 245999.


We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention and thank you for your understanding and patience.


If you were unhappy with your experience with us in anyway please do let us know so that we can continue to improve our service.

Managing Serious Incidents / PSIRF

The Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) sets out the NHS’s approach to developing and maintaining effective systems and processes for responding to patient safety incidents for the purpose of learning and improving patient safety.


The PSIRF is a contractual requirement under the NHS Standard Contract and as such is mandatory for services provided under that contract, including acute, ambulance, mental health, and community healthcare providers. This includes maternity and all specialised services.


The PSIRF supports the development and maintenance of an effective patient safety incident response system that integrates four key aims:

  1. Compassionate engagement and involvement of those affected by patient safety incidents

  2. Application of a range of system-based approached to learning from patient safety incidents

  3. Considered and proportionate responses to patient safety incident

  4. Supportive oversight focused on strengthening response system functioning and improvement


Our Patient Safety Incident Response Plan can be viewed here


Our Patient Safety Incident Response Framework Policy can be viewed here

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